SHR post-installation

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Outdated warning ! This article or section is significantly outdated, either by significant hardware or software changes. Procedures mentioned in this page may well not work for current hardware/software.

SHR post-installation script

In the SHR User Manual there are mentioned some modifications that might help you to improve the features of you SHR distribution.

After flashing your Openmoko Freerunner you can do these modification manually like mentioned in the SHR User Manual or

  • modify on your desktop computer according your demands and
  • execute the following script on your Freerunnner.

The selected shell commands of the SHR User Manual are collected in a SHR post-installation so that you can transfer the script to your Freerunner via scp and execute it with sh. Please go through the script and check if the applications to be installed, are the selection that want you really want. If you do not understand, what is going on in the script, proceed with the SHR User Manual and select every documented step manually. If you understand the following script, it might save you some time.

Copy and paste the following lines and save them to a file called

 echo "SHR (Lite) Post Installation Script" 
 echo "============================"
 echo "Version 1.2 - 12.11.2009"
 # vLANGUAGE="cz"
 echo "SHR-PIS Update Navit Config Files"
 echo "---------------------------------"
 cp /media/card/BackupSHR/home/root/.navit/navit.xml /home/root/.navit/navit.xml
 echo "SHR-PIS Install PIM Apps: Tasks and Dates"
 echo "-----------------------------------------"
 opkg install opimd-utils
 opkg install pisi

Copy and Execute Script

Copy and paste the code into an editor of your choice (KDE kwrite or vi), save the file to and upload the file to your freerunner. Execute the shell script on you freerunner:

 scp root@   

Start the shell script on you Freerunner with:

 neo# sh /home/root/

If you want to replace dropbear by openssh you have to start the script from the terminal on your FR and not via SSH, because the installation restarts the SSH daemon and the script will stop, if you start the script via SSH on your Freerunner from your desktop computer.